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What others are saying...
– XY Planning Network - http://www.xyplanningnetwork.com/fintech/Bill is an undisputed leading source of news, insight, and thought leadership on financial planning technology.
– I ❤ Wall Street - http://iheartwallstreet.com/Bill is the Walt Mossberg of technology for financial advisers.
– FPA NorCal Conference Committee - http://www.fpaeastbay.org/NL-March12.pdfWe are pleased to invite Bill Winterberg back to speak again. Bill’s technology presentation was one of the highest rated sessions last year.
– Justin Smith, CFA®, CFP® - https://twitter.com/#!/mrjustinwsmith/status/145191145398476801Just got off the phone with @BillWinterberg. In terms of tech tools for advisors, he’s a fiduciary. #HighestCompliment
– Attendee | FPA Retreat 2013Bill is consistently one of the best presenters out there. Please keep him coming!
– Attendee | FPA NorCal 2011 ConferenceNicely done! Clear and very specific solutions to the future way to effectively communicate and grow business.
– Bob VeresBill Winterberg … is rapidly becoming a personality in the financial planning space.
– Financial Social Media - http://financialsocialmedia.com/social-media-financial-professionals-vine-videos/Social media heavyweights like Bill Winterberg…