My Results Using Succession Registry

ShakeBack in May I wrote an initial review of David Drucker and Kristopher Behn’s Succession Registry website here on FPPad. My firm signed in as a Rainmaker and posted an offering for a new position. What were the results of using Succession Registry?

Unfortunately, Succession Registry added nothing to our firm’s search for its next employee. We filled the position through other channels. In addition, I have no idea where we went wrong with our offer. Did our offer ever show up in search results or consolidated listings? How many views did our offer have? Did anyone revisit our offer multiple times?

I’ll never know the answers to these questions as there are no metrics built in to Succession Registry. It could be that our ad was poorly written so it never showed up in search results. Or it could be that no Wellsprings (job-seekers) were searching for our kind of position in our area. The point is that I’ll never know.

I did my best to identify responses to our posting on Succession Registry by modifying the “mailto: subject=” link to include the ID number of our posting in the link. Still, we never received an email from an applicant with the offering ID.

I was hoping to see at least a few prospects contact us through Succession Registry but am disappointed in the results. I can assume for now that the site is still waiting for the snowball effect to take hold as more and more individuals begin to use it to identify employment and ownership opportunities in the world of financial planning.



  1. FP Pad » Blog Archive » Your Next New Hire: By Providence or Planning? - December 16, 2009

    […] year I reviewed Succession Registry (although now the site redirects to Practice Lifecycle which also looks inactive) and now I want to […]