How to improve virtual meetings and live stream video broadcasts

I started a FPPad as a virtual consulting business full-time in 2009, so I’ve been leveraging remote meetings and video conferences for over a decade.

Given the sudden increase in work-from-home flexibility, I’m publishing a quick list of my top suggestions to improve virtual meetings and live stream video broadcasts.

Have any suggestions or questions? The best place is to ask me on Twitter, I’m @BillWinterberg.

Bill Winterberg’s Remote Video Tips

  • A good background, mainly clean of clutter, matters and minimizes viewer distractions
  • Know how to lock your camera’s focus and exposure settings (which also minimizes distractions)
  • One decent light shining on your face, or sitting in front of a window for natural light, makes a huge difference
  • Stand up whenever possible; it increases your energy and your lung capacity when speaking
  • Avoid using your laptop’s webcam when working on a desk, as it generally points up into your nose. Raise the laptop to eye level whenever possible
  • Know how to share slides, your desktop, or other visual aids to break up the visual monotony. When  sharing your desktop, know how to disable or hide your desktop-based popup notifications
  • Look at your camera, not your screen, when talking as it better engages your viewer with “eye contact.” If you need it, place a Post It note next to your camera that has a big arrow pointing at the camera and says “LOOK HERE (and 😃)”
  • If you wear a headset or headphones, run the cord BEHIND your head and back instead of dangling in front of your shoulders (again, another distraction to avoid)


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