Tag Archives: Excel

Yes, Twitter Can Help Financial Planners

Back in May I wrote about joining the Twitter bandwagon to see whether or not this new social media outlet had any relevance to my daily responsibilities.  After about 400 updates in my Twitter profile, I struck gold.

Over the last week, our firm has been implementing tax loss harvesting strategies across our entire book of assets.  As one might imagine, there are many, many individual trades to identify, submit, track, and confirm, as we want to ensure that all activity is executed without errors for our clients.

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Run Quick Form 1040 Illustrations with Excel

Excel 1040Yesterday I responded to a question on the Financial Planning Magazine online discussion boards about running tax illustrations and comparisons using Excel.  

A few years ago I came across Glenn Reeves’ Excel 1040 tool.  This is a handy and fairly comprehensive tool based in Excel that does a good job performing many of the common calculations that populate Form 1040.  Included are worksheets to enter W-2 income, Form 1099 distributions, Social Security, Schedule B Interest and Dividends… the list goes on and on.

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