Tag Archives: John Norwood

FPPad Bits and Bytes for March 29

Here are this week’s stories of interest:

Wealthfront and the rise of the machines from InvestmentNews.com

[There’s some deep reporting by Davis Janowski in this update on Wealthfront, one of the “robo adviser” platforms that aims to democratize the delivery of investment advice. But after you read it, press the button to load the comments, which are just as enlightening as Janowski’s sleuthing. The summary: it’s one thing to design an algorithm to recommend model investment portfolios, it’s an entirely different beast to try and disintermediate a financial planner.] Direct channel technology firms are improving at a rapid pace — what about your tools, Mr. Adviser?

John Norwood Consulting announces the release of CompositeBuilder from Norwood-Consulting.com

[Need GIPS-compliant composite reporting for your Schwab Performance Technologies® PortfolioCenter database? John Norwood just released a new product called CompositeBuilder that does just that, so if you’re a die-hard PortfolioCenter user, go check it out.] CompositeBuilder is a fully integrated add-on application to PortfolioCenter that provides the ability to create and report composite returns. The application is designed to facilitate compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS). All calculations are done in a manner that satisfies the portfolio and composite calculation requirements of the GIPS standards.