We logged in to our Virgin Mobile Broadband2Go account today to buy some bandwidth for our MiFi 2200, but were surprised to see the $40 unlimited plan we wrote about in September is no longer offered!
As of yesterday, Broadband2Go no longer offers the $40 “unlimited” plan. Instead, the large bandwidth plan has increased $10 to $50 and comes with the disclaimer that Virgin Mobile:
reserves the right, without notice, to temporarily limit throughput speeds when monthly data usage on the $50 Broadband2Go Plan exceeds 2.5GB
The full details on changes to the Broadband2Go plan can be viewed on Virgin Mobile’s website.
Oh well. $50 still isn’t bad considering most hotels where conferences are held (e.g. T3 and FPA Business Solutions) charge at least $9.99 a day for Internet, and usually one pays extra to connect via hotel Wi-Fi. So $50/month is still a competitive price if you use the device for more than a few days.