Tag Archives: Client Appreciation

Did you screw up a client request? Say you’re sorry with this two-minute technique

You screwed up! Now it's time to apologize.

You screwed up! Now it’s time to apologize.

It happens to us all; you promised to call a client, but somehow the appointment/reminder never made it on your calendar.

For whatever reason, you dropped the ball and need to apologize.

What’s a quick and convenient way to do it?

Why not send a free coffee to your client?

In the screencast above, I show you in two minutes how easy it is to send a Starbucks gift card to your client using the mobile app. I used my iPhone for the screencast, but the steps are essentially the same for the Android app.

And no, Starbucks didn’t provide promotional consideration for this tip (but if you’re reading this and you work for Starbucks, email me!)

(click to watch on YouTube)

Want to impress guests of your holiday event? Add a mobile app.


The holiday season has arrived! Like many financial advisers, you’re likely planning to close the year by hosting a client appreciation event.

Client appreciation events are a great way to build rapport and camaraderie with clients, but they are also a great way to further differentiate your business from other financial planning and wealth management firms.

One way to differentiate your event (and also your business) is to build a mobile app for it.

This month’s Quickview update for Morningstar Advisor highlights one service you can use to build iOS and Android apps to showcase your next client appreciation event.

Be sure to read Quickview: Event Apps Made Easy.