Tag Archives: Denver 2010

Final Preparation for FPA Denver 2010

FPPad was on vacation all of last week and it’s my first full day in the office today. Then in less than 72 hours from now, I’ll be on a plane to Denver to present at the Financial Planning Association’s national conference, FPA Denver 2010.

Let’s get the plug out of the way and tell you to attend my presentation, Emerging Trends in Financial Service Technology, Sunday October 10 at 8:15AM.

This will be an interactive, content-rich session highlighting tools you need to incorporate into your practice in order to stay ahead of your competition over the next five years.

If you’re attending FPA Denver 2010, look for me and say hello. Don’t know what I look like? Check my bio page for a picture! There’s also a social networking meet-up from 12PM to 2PM October 10 in the Exhibit Hall. I plan on being there.

Also, consider posting your thoughts and feedback on Twitter, and don’t forget to use the #FPA2010 hashtag.

I hope to see you there, and for those who cannot attend, be sure to follow the social feed on Twitter.

Finally, for RIABiz’s take on FPA Denver 2010, read their article titled The industry’s largest association has plenty at stake at its annual conference this weekend.