Tag Archives: Inbox Zero

Technology Tips to Cut Costs and Increase Revenue

I participated in a webinar on June 9 hosted by InvestmentNews titled “50 Cost-Saving and Money-Making Ideas in 50 Minutes” (blogged about here).

The replay of that webinar is available here or use the embedded player below (my portion begins at the -27:50 time point).

I highlighted the following 10 technology tips to help advisers cut costs and increase revenue:

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More Outlook Optimization with “Inbox Zero”

One of my goals to kick off 2009 (which I have yet to write about!) is to work on using Outlook more effectively and efficiently.

I previously wrote about optimizing your Outlook habits by only using the program at three specific times during your workday (say, 10am, noon, and 4pm or whatever you find works in your schedule).

Today, I’m happy to report that since the beginning of 2009, I have worked on eliminating all the pending emails in my Outlook Inbox so I can reach the ultimate goal of Inbox Zero.  Here’s what my inbox looks like today:

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