Tag Archives: presentations

Presentations Made to Stick from Dan Heath

Here’s another follow up to a topic I’ve discussed before on FPPad (Reinvent Your Presentation Style).

Consider what you are trying to accomplish when you deliver a presentation, be it to allied professionals evaluating your firm, potential clients, or guests at a client appreciation event.

Often the most effective way to deliver your message can be accomplished through three simple tips shared by Dan Heath, co-author of Made to Stick.

Click here to view Made to Stick: Giving Presentations, Dan Heath’s three and a half minute video on FastCompany.com

Reinvent Your Presentation Style

Death by slidesPart of what I have been working on over the last week is a presentation I’m going to deliver in July to a group of specialty physicians.  Since I consider myself technologically savvy and a creative user of presentation software (ok, yes, I still use PowerPoint due to my history with it), I’ve looked for resources on how to design and deliver effective presentations.

Most of us are very familiar with the common characteristics that plague most one hour presentations.  There’s a title slide, introduction, an outline overview, all followed by a gratuitous spray of bullet points, hard-to-read graphs, and concluded with yet more bullet points.  Thank you, the end!

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