Tag Archives: TRX

Video Spotlight: Total Rebalance Expert CEO Sheryl Rowling on how rebalancing software saves advisers $325,000 per year

In today’s video spotlight, Sheryl Rowling, CEO of Total Rebalance Expert (TRX), walks me through the process of adding scale to portfolio management through rebalancing software.

In addition to scalability, advisers also implement rebalancing software to save money. Hear what Rowling has to say about how advisers save roughly $325,000 per year with this important tool.

(click here to view on YouTube)

Rebalancing Software Update in Financial Planning Magazine

Yes, FPPad has been very quiet for the month of July. We’re working hard behind the scenes managing consulting projects for clients, caring for my 16-month-old son, and authoring contributions to trade magazines and journals.

On the authoring front, I want to share a column I wrote for the August issue of Financial Planning magazine. Titled Better Balance, I highlight the trend of increased use of rebalancing software programs, but also address how these programs help with a firm’s fiduciary obligation to treat all clients fairly and equitably.

Click here to read Better Balance at Financial-Planning.com.

I hope you enjoy the column, and feel free to leave feedback in the comments below.

Technology Tips to Cut Costs and Increase Revenue

I participated in a webinar on June 9 hosted by InvestmentNews titled “50 Cost-Saving and Money-Making Ideas in 50 Minutes” (blogged about here).

The replay of that webinar is available here or use the embedded player below (my portion begins at the -27:50 time point).

I highlighted the following 10 technology tips to help advisers cut costs and increase revenue:

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