Tag Archives: Facebook

G-Day is January 20! Don’t be left out.

Friday January 20th is “G-Day” where you can discover the value (or lack thereof) of Google’s social network, Google+

Social networks have propelled themselves into modern culture, so much so that our lexicon doesn’t bat an eye at words like “tweeting,” “liking,” or “linking-in” anymore.

Abundant, and trivial, information of all kinds is being shared across these networks on a second-by-second basis. They can be a great source of information if you can successfully separate the signal from the noise, but the big three networks are not without their drawbacks.

Facebook, the world’s biggest social network with over 800 million users, wins the ubiquity title because of its critical mass of users. Practically everyone is on Facebook.

But one of Facebook’s drawbacks is the fact that that everybody on the service is your “friend,” whether you’re related by blood or had a chance meeting at a networking event two years ago. It makes little difference to Facebook. You’re connected, so you’ll see updates from plenty of people, and chances are, most updates are not too relevant to your network of actual, real-life friends (though you can group Facebook friends if you can find the lists feature buried in a stockpile of menu items).

Twitter certainly has a healthy stream of information shared by users, but its 140 character limit on posts truncates any real discussion on all-but-the lightest topics. Well-constructed replies often span several tweets, and pretty soon, your stream of well-intended thoughts can be viewed as a diatribe from a spammer filling up a tweet stream.

And LinkedIn. Other than a virtual resume site for professionals, are users doing any real sharing or collaboration on the site? LinkedIn Groups are a mixed bag, as just when the good groups foster useful information, spammers take over and blast their tomes, crowding out the original participants.

Enter Google Plus (Google+, or simply G+). Google’s latest attempt at a social network and sharing service started out slow, with invitations shared only among a select few early-adopters, but now the service is open to anyone.

Google+ attempts to offer alternatives to the limitations outlined above: profile updates can be any length, most often include embedded photos or video, and connections with others can easily be sorted into circles.

Despite its clever interface, Google+ largely lacks the key ingredient to a successful social service: active and diverse users.

So leave it up to Mike Barad. Barad is the Sr. Vice President and business manager for Morningstar’s Financial Communications Business. After a discussion with several advisers sporadically using Google+, he encouraged everyone to abandon all social networking platforms for one day and focus exclusively on Google+.

Here is Barad’s post on Google+: https://plus.google.com/101852363593249198257/posts/e35VNqaJZoy

So this Friday, January 20, get on Google+ and join the conversation. If you’re setting Google+ up for the first time, add advisers who commented on Barad’s post to your circles to get started.

Slide Deck: Best Practices When Using Social Media for FPA Business Solutions 2011

Due to illness, Bill was not able to travel to FPA Business Solutions 2011 this week. He prepared a short slide deck for today’s panel session titled Best Practices When Using Social Media.

We’re posting the slide deck below so you can enjoy a few tips Bill recommends for advisors seeking to gauge the efficacy of their social media efforts (iPad users click here to open on SlideShare.com). Please send us your comments and feedback!

FPPad Bits and Bytes for December 31

This is it, the final Bits and Bytes post of 2010. Bits and Bytes has drawn consistent traffic week after week, so we will continue our efforts to publish what we think are the best tech-related stories for financial advisers from around the web.

Here are this week’s stories of interest, and have a Happy New Year:

Custodians taking closer look at adviser compliance from InvestmentNews.com

Custodial firms have been raising the compliance bar for registered investment advisers, in some cases making it tougher for them to find a home.

Why B-Ds Should Embrace Social Media Now from Financial-Planning.com

Social media is the elephant in the room even if broker-dealer firms refuse to acknowledge its presence. Worse, continuing to do so could cost these firms their top talent as advisors migrate to platforms that help them be more productive.

Small Companies Look to Cloud for Savings in 2011 from WSJ.com

A growing number of small-business owners are expected to try cloud computing services next year, hoping to trim costs and stay up and running if disaster strikes.

Rock Point Advisors Leverages Advent’s Moxy(R) as a Standalone Solution from TradingMarkets.com

Advent Software, Inc., a leading provider of software and services for the global investment management industry, today announced that investment management firm, Rock Point Advisors, is enjoying the benefits of Moxy(R) as a standalone solution. Rock Point is one of the first advisory firms to use Moxy(R) in conjunction with PortfolioCenter(R), Schwab Performance Technologies’ portfolio management solution.

FPATelevision: The First Thing Advisers Must Do When Starting A Social Media Strategy

Bill speaks to FPATelevision on the first thing advisers must do when starting a social media strategy.

Read My First Practices Column in the Journal of Financial Planning

I had the privilege of being asked to contribute to the Practices series of this month’s Journal of Financial Planning. The Journal of Financial Planning is the core publication of the Financial Planning Association with the mission to expand the body of knowledge of the financial planning profession.

For my first column, I described many of the best tools and techniques planners and advisers can use to roll out a successful social media strategy.

Click here to read Tools and Techniques to Leverage Social Media (link is good only for the month of May).

I always appreciate comments and feedback, so please let me know what you think by leaving a comment below.

FPA of Maryland Webinar to Address Compliance Issues of Social Media

Despite FINRA’s issuance of social media regulatory guidance, advisors still have many questions about what can and cannot be done on social media websites.

I’ll be presenting a webinar to the Financial Planning Association of Maryland to address the compliance issues of using social media and networking websites.

I’ll be joined by Adam Schaub, CFP®, Compliance Manager for 1st Global in Dallas, TX. Topics covered will include:

  • Documentation of policies and procedures
  • Summary of regulatory guidance
  • Supervision and record retention
  • Overview of compliance tools and utilities

The webinar will be held on Thursday, April 1, 12:00PM EDT. FPA of Maryland members can attend for $20, all others can attend for $30.

Click here for the event PDF brochure. |  Click here to register.

Email Archiver LiveOffice Jumps Into Social Media Archiving Market

In a press release yesterday, LiveOffice, an email archiving and compliance provider to financial advisors, announced the release of its LiveOffice Social Archive service.

According to the LiveOffice press release, Social Archive is:

the first social media archiving solution to capture and retain content from any public website, including popular social networks, such as LinkedIn and Facebook, as well as blogs.

Now I debate the statement that Social Archive is the first archiving solution (I’ve tweeted and blogged before about Arkovi Backups, Smarsh, SocialWare, and several others). Nevertheless, LiveOffice joins a short list of providers aimed at providing compliance solutions to registered representatives and independent RIAs who want to use social media websites.

Read the entire press release by clicking here.

Satisfy Compliance Requirements For Social Media Content

Update: LifestreamBackup recently changed its name to Backupify. The points in this post are still applicable despite the name change!

Many advisers who consult with me regarding the use of social media are justifiably concerned about compliance when it comes to using such services. Advisers can use outlets like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to communicate with others and to broadcast information to targeted niche markets. These tools are fantastic ways to build brand recognition for an adviser or a firm and to identify the level of services offered to the public.

I’ve written here previously how FINRA and the SEC may determine that any message disseminated through social media services constitutes marketing and/or advertising and at the very least should be archived and retained in a compliance file. If you are a representative regulated under FINRA, you likely need pre-approval from compliance before posting any messages through social media services. SEC-registered advisers should consult with their Chief Compliance Officer before posting messages as well.

Now let’s assume that an adviser decides to use social media to grow the business. Terrific! But what can be done to efficiently archive and retain those messages sent through social media services?

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Upcoming Webinars on Social Media and Cost-Saving Technology

Over the next week, I’ll be participating in two webinars that I hope you will attend.

First, Andrew Gluck at Advisor Products, Inc. has asked me to participate in Friday’s Financial Crisis Webinar Series. The topic is Advisors Using Social Networking Successfully. I will share some of the experiences I’ve had through the use of Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook mediums that have personally resulted in new connections and new business.

Click here to register for the Friday, June 5 webinar Advisors Using Social Networking Successfully.

Second, I’ll be part of a panel hosted by InvestmentNews to offer 50 Cost-Saving and Money-Making Ideas in 50 Minutes. I have a list of my top 10 technologies that I believe financial advisers can use to save money, make money, and sometimes both simultaneously. There should be at least one good tip for every adviser listening to the webinar.

Click here to register for the Tuesday, June 9 webinar 50 Cost-Saving and Money-Making Ideas in 50 Minutes.

Hope to “see” you on the web.

One Simple Step to Prevent Backlash from Clients

The Internet community (including the Twitter population) is buzzing about the latest Terms of Service posted by Facebook this week regarding the company’s unrestricted rights to use any content posted on their site.  This resulted in significant backlash from irate users, whereupon Facebook promptly revised the terms.  For more details, read:

PC World: Facebook Owns Your Business Data
CNN: Expert: Social networkers risk ‘losing control’ of privacy
AP: Facebook backtracks on terms of use after protests

There’s a lesson in this story for financial advisers.  Yes, you can prevent client backlash by polling them ahead of implementing new policies.  This principle also applies to vendors to the financial services industry.

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