Tag Archives: Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Is the FPA Ready for Taleb?

TieI finally managed to read the recent interview of Nassim Nicholas Taleb on Portfolio.com that I blogged about a few weeks ago. I mentioned that Mr. Taleb is scheduled to deliver one of the three keynote sessions during the FPA Boston 2008 annual conference.

Now there are a few things that Mr. Taleb said during his conversation with Lloyd Grove that I think might rub a number of FPA members the wrong way. Here are a few of the things that stood out.


Taleb On Ties

Grove: And this “hating ties” business, and I know you’re being funny, but you distrust people who wear ties?

Taleb: It correlates rather well with incompetence.

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Weekend Reading: Taleb at Portfolio.com

NNTThis morning I saw Tim Ferris’ tweet (Tim, author of The 4-Hour Work Week) about an interview of Nassim Nicholas Taleb on Portfolio.com.  Most members of the Financial Planning Association should know by now that Taleb will be one of the keynote speakers at the FPA Boston 2008 annual convention.

Click here to read Taleb’s interview at Portfolio.com.

It’s an excellent interview, if not a little lengthy, but definitely put this on your weekend reading list.